terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2020

6°A - Avaliação de Inglês

6º ANO A – INGLÊS – 26/05/2020

Resolva em folha separada
1 – Coloque o nome de cada lugar
a) Teacher’s room
b) Sport gym
c) Science lab
d) Principal’s office
e) Computer rfoom

2 – Traduza:
bird -
Family –
Big –
Small –
brother –
Father –
mother –
cat –
sister –
parents –
dog -
pet –

3 – Complete:
Hi. I am________________________________.
I whant to introduce my Family to you.
_____________________________ is my father.
____________________________ is my mother.
_____________ and __________is my parentes.
My sisters are___________________________.
My brothers are_________________________.
My pet is_______________________________.

4 - Coloque a tradução
a) Lizard -         
b) Parrot -
c) Bears-
d) Snake -
e) Macaw -
f) Tiger -
g) Fish -
h) Owl - 
i) Giraffe -
j) Polar bear -
k) Ostrich  -
l) Lizard -

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