terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2020

Língua Inglesa - Teacher Soninha


1- Fill out the T-Chart below, sort the words from the mind map according to energy sources:

2- Look at the T-Chart and the picture to classify the energy sources. 

Natural gas is an example of non-renewable energy source but, wind is an example of renewable.

3- In the first lesson you have learned about renewable and non-renewable energy. After your research complete the sentences. Look at the example:

a) Computed Tomography exams use nuclear energy, but plastic industry uses petroleum energy.

___________uses _________ energy but ________ uses ________energy.
___________uses __________energy but ________ uses _________energy.
__________uses __________ energy but _________ uses _________energy.

                        As atividades são referentes às aulas de 12/05 e 19/05 (CMSP). 
                                                       Os links seguem abaixo:



Qualquer dúvida, estou à disposição!
Bons estudos!!! (:

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