sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2020


AULA 15/05 →

Hello dears! 😊

Na aula de hoje vocês aprenderam sobre o que são os cognatos.
Cognatos são palavras de idiomas diferentes que possuem grafia similar e o mesmo significado.

  • pollution - poluição;
  • emotion - emoção;
  • idea - ideia;
  • future - futuro;
  • comedy - comédia;
  • different - diferente
Atividade 1
Read the text bellow.

Com a ajuda dos cognatos, tente compreender o texto a seguir para responder as questões abaixo.

The accidental creation of a cure

A scientist was doing research and trying to discover why some animals died or got sick while eating certain types of foods. He analyzed different materials and their compositions. He also consulted other scientists so that he could draw his conclusions. He worked hard to resolve the problem.

He had no success in the initial stages of his journey. He tried, tried, but again he had no success. Then he decided to desist and abandon his dream.

But it was his destiny to revolutionize the concepts of science at the time, and two weeks later, when he least expected, the answer (or the cure) came to him while he was observing the reaction of a product in the water. He thought to himself, "I can't believe it! I must be dreaming!". Why didn't I think of this before?"

Today hundreds of people around the world still make use of his creation and are grateful to this scientist that many consider a hero.

Atividade 2.
According to the text "The accidental creation of a cure", aswer the questions bellow.

1. Qual é o tema do texto?
2. De acordo com o texto, o que o cientista faz?
3. Qual é o tipo deste texto? (informativo, científico, narrativo etc.)
4. Anote todos os cognatos encontrados no texto.
5. Além dos cognatos, você conseguiu encontrar alguma outra palavra conhecida? Quais?

Atividade 3.
Searching cognates.

1. Pesquise outras palavras cognatas do inglês e português.

As atividades devem ser realizadas até o dia 22/05.
Vocês podem me enviar fotos da atividade via WhatsApp no número 16991922830, ou enviar por e-mail no endereço
Qualquer dúvida, estou a disposição!

Conto com a participação de todos! 

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