quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2020


DATA: 29/04/2020
1. Write sentences using the present perfect. Put the words in parentheses in the correct place.
1. Nick/ not buy/ a ticket to the concert (yet)
2. I/ pack/ my clothes for the trip (already)
3. We/ return/ from our summer vacation (just)
4. Dad/ not arrange/ the flights (yet)
5. Michelle/ take/ a lot of photos (already)

2. Complete the sentences with for or since.
1. I haven't talked to Mark ________ a long time.
2. My parents have been married ________ 1990.
3. Tom hasn't played video games _______ January.
4. We're been here __________ two weeks.
5. I've had this computer ________ last saturday.

3. Complete the sentences with the present perfect forms of the verbs.
do   eat   go   not see   not use
1. Maria has a new camera, but she __________ it yet.
2. We __________ some delicious food at the beach this week.
3. I __________ a lot of sightseeing since we arrives, so I'm pretty tired now.
4.Rick and Tood __________  any bears at the zoo yet.
5.My family and I __________ to the movies five times this month.

4. Complete the questions with the present perfect. Use How Long where possible.
1. A: _____you_____ in Quito?
     B: I've lived here for two years.
2. A: _____ you ______ to Cartagena, Colombia, before?
    B: No, I haven't. I've never beenn there.
3.A: _______  Jenna Portuguese?
    B: She's studied it since 2008.
4. A: _____ Mike and Josh ______ each other?
    B: They've known each other for 10 years.
5. A: _____ your sister _______ your new apartament?
     B: Yes, she has. She saw it last week.

5. Complete the sentences with words for adventure travel.
1. Natalie went on a ______ last month and saw lions, elephants and giraffes.
2. Have you gone _____ on the ocean before?I've only gone on lakes
3. I love to go ______! Houses and roads look so small when you're high up inn the sky!
4. I've gone ______ five times. My favorites trip was on the Amazon River because the rapids were really fast.
5. Doug went on a ______ to Puerto Rico. There were over 2.000 people on the ship.

6. Circle the correct answers:
Have you ever ¹_______ something for a long time? I have! Every year I go to ²________ in July. When it ends, I can't wait for it to start again the next summer! We do all kinds of outdoor adventures. There is a two-day trip where we go ³_________ in the mountains. It's fun, but I always 4 _______ my bag isn't too heavy since we have to carry our bags while we're hiking all day. We also go 5 ________ on the trip. I seems scary, but it's really safe. We use ropes to get up the mountains, and there are instructors who help us get to the top.
1. a) looked out                b) looked out          c) looked out
2. a) summer camp          b) safari                    c) rafting
3. a) cruise                         b) sailing                   c) backpacking
4. a) find out                      b) make sure            c) give up
5. a) rock climbing            b) ballooning            c) mountain biking

7. Complete the sentences with a word from each box.
come    find    give     look     take     around     back     off     out     up

1. Don't wait for me. I'd like to _________ the market for some souvenirs.
2. Our plane will __________ at 5:30 a.m., so we have to get up really early!
3. Don't __________ ! I know you can make it to the top of the mountain.
4. I'd love to __________ to this place again next year.
5. Can you _________ when the next train to London leaves?

8. Read the article.

Nature The Czech Republic is a beautiful country in centra Europe with many mountains, lakes, and forests. It's the perfect vacation destinnation for anyone who is interested in outdoor activities such as skiing, rock climbing, sailind and backpacking.
Towns  and Cities to Visit As well as having many histtorically important cities, such as the capital, Prague, and Cesky Krumlov (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the Czech Republic is famous for its spa towns, where you can enjoy peaceful locations with clean water and fresj air.
Culture  All over the country, there are many interesting museums and galleries, which show the story of the counnry's past. You can also enjoy classical concerts, ballet, and opera in many places.
Food The Czech people love their food and are very proud of their traditions. The most famous dish, and one that everyone has to try, is roast duck with dumplings and red cabbage. It is the perfect meal after a day out backpacking. Beef goulash ( a thick soup) is also popular. For vegetarians, fried cheese is a must, although it is not particularl good for you! Fried mushrooms or dumplings filled with fruit are a healthier choice.
Sports In addition to being very pround of their cultural traditions, the Czech people are also crazy about sports, like soccer, tennis, and ice hockey. you haven´t heard anything louder than Czech ice hockey fans when their country is winning!

Are the sentences true or false? Write T ( true), F (false) or NI (no information)
1. The Czech Republic offers differents kinds or outdoor activities .   _____
2. Rock climbing is the most popular activity here.   _____
3. People interested in music and history will find many things to do.  _____
4. All of the tradicional dishes have meat in them.  _____
5. More sports fans watch ice hockey than any other sport.    _____

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